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Master Your Energy Training
Module 1 - Introduction on Course Master Your Energy
Introduction to the Course (65:46)
How to Do this Course
Benefits of the Course
How Does this Course Help with Stress Relief?
Breakdown of the Course
Audio Version of the Introduction
Module 2 - Preparing to Meditate, Setting up Your Space - and Bonus Meditation Practice
Week 1 Meditation Class (90:16)
Using Crystals for Grounding and Healing
Using Sage for Cleansing
Lighting Candles to Create an Atmosphere of Calm
Light Incense for Peace
Cleaning Your Room, and Removing Extra Clutter
Keeping Blankets, Pillows and an Eye Mask Near by
How to Prepare to Meditate and Set up Your Space
Preparing to Meditate Audio Version of the Meditation Class
Module 3 - Meditation on the Breath
How to Focus on the Breath
Calming the Body with Focus and Intention
Not Letting Anything Distract You and Removing Distractions
Staying Focused on the Goal of Meditating
Week 2 Meditation Class (113:54)
Audio Version of the Meditation on the Breath Class
Module 4 - Belly Breathing
How to Breathe into the Belly
Benefits of Breathing into the Belly
The Commitment it Takes Before Achieving Results
Week 3 Meditation Class (72:22)
Belly Breathing Quiz
The Belly Breathing Audio Version of the Class
Module 5 - Third Eye Meditation
Week 4 Meditation Class (109:47)
Opening the Pineal Gland
The Benefits of the Third Eye Meditation
Being Patient to Meditate
The Third Eye Meditation Audio Version of the Class
Third Eye Flyer to Print Out
Module 6 - Heart Meditation
Week 5 Meditation Class (64:57)
Meditation into the Heart
The Heart Alive Practice
The Heart Chakra
The Heart Alive Book
The Heart Meditation Audio Version of the Class
Module 7 - Chakra Meditation
Week 6 Meditation Class (100:31)
All the Main Chakras
How Do Crystals Help in Balancing the Chakras During Meditation
How to Use Crystals During a Chakra Meditation Practice
Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra
How Do You Use Crystals in Daily Life?
Mantras for the Chakras
Chakra Meditation Audio Version the Class
Module 8 - Aura Body Meditation
Week 7 Meditation Class (81:10)
Aura Cleansing as an Energy Healing Practice
The 5 Layers of the Body
The Power of our Auric Fields
Cleansing Your Aura to Achieve a State of Bliss
Audio Version of the Aura Meditation Class
Module 9 - Kundalini & Tantra Meditation
Week 8 Meditation Class (89:03)
What is the Kundalini?
What is Tantra?
A Kundalini and Tantra Meditation Practice
How to use the Kundalini to help Heal Someone with Sexual Trauma
Tantra and Chakra Balancing
Creating a Tantric Safe Space
Transfiguration Ritual in Tantra
Kundalini & Tantra Meditation Audio Version of the Class
Module 10 - Integration of the Training
Week 9 Meditation Class (44:40)
Putting it All Together
I'm Still very new at this, what do I do?
The Importance of Integrating
Section summary
Week 9 Audio Version of the Integration Class
Module 11 - Integration of the Course Master Your Energy
What do I do now?
Taking Time to Commit to the Practice
Choosing a Practice to Stick with
Choosing a Practice Based on Your Needs
Overview of the Program and Next Steps
Now That I'm Done & Integration Quiz
Audio Version of Week 10
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